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Health awareness programs

The second edition of our OWIA medical outreach held on the 19th and 20th of August 2021, during the 2021 OWIA homecoming. The medical outreach was a huge success despite the fact that the preparations commenced late due to the global battle with Covid 19 pandemic and the associated concerns of organizing such an event in this particular period.

The medical crew had doctors, nurses, pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and other medical personnel who all came on board to assist in caring for the women. We also had visiting doctors who came in to assist at the request of the OWIA president.

Required medical equipment, drugs and funds needed to run the program were donated freely by Ovim sons and daughters. OWIA played a major role in supply of funds as well as other consumables for the program.

In line with global protocols to curb the spread of Covid 19, the medical team drew up health guidelines and set up various safety measures during the event. These measures included provision of hand wash areas at the entrance of the venue, temperature checks and hand sanitizing before entry into the meeting venue, compulsory wearing of face masks while in the meeting hall e.t.c

During the 2 day medical outreach, there was a large turn-out of women with over 220 women being attended to. Medical examinations were done including temperature checks, blood pressure checks, oxygen saturation checks, blood sugar checks e.t.c. Varying medical cases were seen including malaria, enteric fever, flu, hypertension, diabetes, anxiety disorders, dermatological conditions e.t.c. Women were counseled on positive life changes and need for adequate follow up where necessary. Prescribed drugs were dispensed to the women and appropriate referral of cases to relevant health facilities was also done.

The outreach was a huge success and many lives were touched and positive impacts made. In the coming years, we look forward to expanding the scope of medical care given to include basic laboratory investigations and optical care.

We cannot end this report without appreciating our amiable leader and her executive, Ugoeze Oluchi Chigbu,for their support and encouragement in seeing that the medical outreach of 2021 was a success. God bless you all.

Our gratitude also goes to our own son,Dr Okoronkwo who despite his busy schedule,came to help out in even brought some drugs. God bless you sir.

Pharm Chinwe Orji

For the committee